102 S Tejon St A202, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Payment Options
We offer several convenient methods for you to make payments for our services.
- Cash: You can make a payment in cash at our office during our business hours.
- Check: Please make your check payable to “Goal Inc” and mail it to our address. Don’t forget to include the details of the service type.
- Zelle: You can use Zelle to make a secure and instant payment to our email address: [email protected]. Please include the service type in the payment description.
- Major Credit Cards: If you choose to pay with a major credit card, please fill out the authorization form below.
Credit Card Authorization Form
When you fill out and submit this Payment Authorization Form, please be aware that the funds will not be automatically withdrawn from your account.
Instead, we will receive a notification of your payment and process it manually.
Our team will promptly handle your payment request to ensure accuracy and security.
We want to emphasize that all information provided will remain strictly confidential.